ASFIT Network

Appeal for support to organize an interfaith dialogue to commomerate WIHW

ASFIT Network
ASFIT Network logo

An interfaith dialogue and a clean up exercise is a simple event that will be organised in collaboration with African students for interfaith tolerance (ASFIT Network) to commemorate this year’s World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) celebration.

This event seeks to promote interfaith tolerance and also help participants to understand how immensely the society will benefit if we are able to tolerate one another and live a peaceful life regardless of our religious affiliation, tribe or political affiliation..

The second objective will achieved and demonstrated during the clean up exercise since both Ghana Muslim Students Association and Scipture Union of the school will come together harmoniously to clean the school after the interfaith dialogue.

It is our believe that, the clean environment will send a signal to all of us that we can achieve greater heights together than divided. As it is always said, our similarities are far greater than our differences.

We therefore appeal to all peace loving people and friends who wish to see us go higher in promoting interfaith tolerance to contribute as little as they can so that we can have a successful program.

We are also planning of doing a small donation to the school God willing after the event.

The proposed budget of the event including refreshments totalled GH¢500.00 and already we have been promised GH¢50.00 by Mr. Ali Wuni Abdul-Majeed thus a remainder of GH¢450.00 is left.

You may contact 0502979063 should there be questions to be asked or donations to be made.