Dialogue has become essential in today’s multicultural, pluralistic, and interrelated world. Dialogue also holds the key to resolving our protracted conflicts.
As a youth-led peacebuilding organization striving to promote peaceful co-existence, mutual understanding, and tolerance between and among adherents of the same and different faith traditions, we usually employ the use of dialogue, education, games and youth empowerment interventions as catalysts of promoting a culture of peace.
As part of this year’s commemoration of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, we are bringing together Christian and Muslim youths in February for a day of learning, knowledge sharing, and dialogue.
The dialogue will integrate peacebuilding and partnership interreligious methodologies with the goal of promoting mutual respect, understanding and harmonious relations. The overall outcome of this interreligious dialogue will be to answer the question: ‘how can we live together peacefully?’
The activity will be climaxed with a joint socially beneficial intervention and the sharing of personalized messages of peace by participants.
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