We implement programmes that help us achieve our stated mission and vision:

Dialogue is key and fundamental in our pluralistic communities. Our Intercultural and interreligious dialogues bring together members of different cultural or religious groups, who hold conflicting opinions and assumptions, to engage one another in acknowledgment of those differences and appreciation of diversity in the spirit of our COMMON HUMANITY.

It is without doubt that many countries across the globe are battling with the occurrences of violent extremism and how it has destroyed processes of building sustainable peace and development. As compared to many countries in Africa, Ghana as a country is relatively peaceful and stable but it has also experienced a series of violent ethnic and political conflicts resulting in the loss of lives and destruction of properties. Without the appropriate preventive measures these existing ‘cracks’ or divisions could be exploited for terrorism or its related activities.

We aspire to equip people especially young men and women with the requisite skills to transform, manage and resolve conflicts before they escalate into violence. We believe that conflicts are bound to occur in our everyday endeavours but with the right skills and dialogue violence can always be avoided. Conflict management is a broad term used to include the process of reducing, eliminating, or resolving all forms of conflict.

Peace education is the process of acquiring values, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviours to live in harmony with oneself, others, and the natural environment.

We carry out programs to build the capacities of the youth in order to gainfully be employed or create jobs for themselves. This is important because due to the unemployment situation in Africa, money is mostly used to entice young people for recruitment by radical and extremist groups. We shall be organising entrepreneurial, digital and soft skills aimed at developing the head, heart and hand of young people.

We campaign and advocate for the meaningful participation of young men and women in decision making and peacebuilding. Youth participation is not only critical for policy inclusivity and success but also for sustainable peace and development. Therefore, we will continue our advocacy for the meaningful participation of young people in peacebuilding, decision making and in all spheres of our democracy.